Friday, January 30, 2015

Reading Prompt

1.     Using the FictFact online resource,  I searched for Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter. From there, appeared a list of books in series order. The next book in the series after “Cursed of the Damned” is The Lunatic Café.

Hamilton, Laurell. “The Lunatic Café”. Berkley Books. 1996.  Pg. 384

2.     By conducting a search on Goodreads I’ve gotten a good synopsis, a feel for what the book is about. Maybe you are interested in the element of nature/environment factor of the books so I’ll recommend the book “All Over Creation”. It along the same lines of “Prodigal Summer” but has the theme of family and community with humor and its own quirkiness that would make a fast read, just what you are looking for.

Ozeki, Ruth.”All Over Creation”. Penguin Books. 2003.  Pg. 437.

3.     Using the online resource Your Next Book, in the search box I typed in the keywords historical fiction; Japan the search box that lead me to a list of books to chose from. I decided on “The Pillow Book of the Flower Samurai: Love, Sacrifice and Honour in the 12th Century Japan”. Excellent storytelling that captures the reader imagination to where you feel like your there.

Lazar Barbara. “ The Pillow Book of the Flower Samurai: Love Sacrifice and Honor in the 12th CE Japan.” 2013. Heading Publishing. Pg. 560.

4.     Using Goodreads, I search for the Elizabeth George book you mentioned “Well Schooled in Murder”. From there, I looked through the recommendations that lead me to the Martha Grimes “The Blue Last” which is set in England like "Well Schooled in Murder". It’s also the 7th book in the Richard Jury series. Since you liked “Well Schooled in Murder” and this is also a series, I thought you would like mystery series that set in England.

Grimes. Martha. “The Blue Last”. 2002. Onyx Publishing. Pg. 464.

5.     Using the online resource Your Next Read, I conduct the search beginning with “World War Z” because you are asking for novels not graphic novels even though “The Walking Dead” is both a novel and graphic novel, the search then led me to “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy. There is a post- apocalyptic novel that does not specifically include zombies but it has the similar atmosphere presented in both the “Walking Dead” and “World War Z”. It combines elements of both of your suggestions all in one book.

McCartney, Cormac. “The Road”. 2007. Vintage Books. Pg. 287.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Five Book Genres 

1. New York Times Bestsellers
2. Historical Fiction
3. Young Adult
4. Mystery
5. Graphic Novels

Currently my favorite genre is New York Times Bestsellers and I will always have a special place in my heart for YA. I don't read that many mysteries but I'm open to start reading more. Graphic novels and historical fiction are two book genres that are tough for me to get through so I'm up for the challenge. Looking forward to reading some interesting new books and hoping to find some new favorites.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Reading Profile

Reading Profile

I've been an avid since my teens with my love of reading YA. YA has always been one of my favorite genres and I have also grown into liking chick-lit romance, New York Times Bestsellers, Books into Movies and Non fiction self help and pyschology. My least favorite genres are historical fiction, classic literature and dystopia but will read them if they are a NYT bestseller. I love reading when its cloudy and rainy, right before going to bed. I also enjoy audiobooks of books I've read in the past as sort of a refresher and prefer to listen to them before going to bed.

I love reading a book that is/was adapted into a movie and I must read the book first or else I want read it if I've seen the movie first. I enjoy picking movies apart from how they differ from the book or how some elements of the film are better or worse than the book it always a good debate.

I'm looking forward in exploring more genres that I've have little to no experience in reading such as mysteries and horror and many of the genres I can't think at the moment :)